Traitement Implantaire

Implant treatment is not as painful as it seems. Since it is performed under local anesthesia, the patient does not feel pain. Moreover, a tooth is completed in 3-4 minutes on average.

Do not neglect your oral-dental health and get implants to replace your missing teeth. The most frequently asked questions and answers about implant treatment:

What is an implant?

Implants or dental implants are structures in the form of screws or roots made of titanium, which are placed in the jaw bones and intended for the bone to heal around this implant and accept it as a part of itself.

How is implant treatment applied?

Implants are made by opening slots in a suitable position, diameter and length for the implant planned to be made in the jawbone with a surgical procedure. Since implant placement is a surgical procedure, the quality of the materials used, the sterilization and hygienic conditions of the environment are the most important criteria. For implant surgery, it is sufficient to numb the area with local anesthesia.

How long does the implant treatment?

full mouth implant in one dayOne week is sufficient for implant treatment. In addition, thanks to the self-dissolving suture, treatment can be performed in one day, but in this case, a temporary prosthesis cannot be made. The first stage of your treatment is implant treatment, in the second stage, the implant is expected to fuse to your bone between 3-6 months, and then porcelains are made on the implant within a week. Implant is a surgical procedure. It is performed under local anesthesia and the construction time of a single implant is approximately 10-15 minutes.

We can evaluate this as the sitting time of the patient in the chair. The time from the start to the end of an implant is only 3-4 minutes. The patient does not feel any pain during this period. That area is completely numb. Drowsiness passes within 2-3 hours, and during this period, our patient can easily overcome this process with painkillers that he will use for 1-2 days, and he will have a healthy implant.

Why is it necessary to complete missing teeth?

Digestive system disorders that may occur due to insufficient chewing and aesthetic problems due to lack of teeth are the reasons that can be thought of by almost everyone. However, there are very important risks regarding the adjacent teeth and jawbone in areas with missing teeth. Since the jawbone in the missing tooth area is not stimulated during chewing, bone resorption begins.

The teeth to the right and left of the missing tooth begin to tip towards the cavity area. The opposite teeth begin to elongate towards the missing area. These movements in the teeth can also damage the jawbone around the teeth. Due to these changes, early tooth loss may occur in the teeth around the missing tooth area. To prevent this type of tooth loss, missing teeth must be completed.

Is implant treatment a difficult treatment?

We hear that our patients sometimes shy away from implant treatment. ‘Will it hurt during the implant? After the implant is made, they may have concerns, “How will I go through this process, will I have pain?” We can unequivocally say ‘No’ to them. Because implant treatment is performed under local anesthesia and our patients do not feel pain during the procedure. Afterwards, there may be very slight pain. During this period, our patients definitely use painkillers and antibiotics.

If they use their medicines correctly and follow the advice of their physicians, they will have a smooth healing process. Of course, they may feel some discomfort as there is a surgical intervention in the mouth. They may not be able to continue to eat their food in a very pleasant way, but this process will take 1-2 days at most. After that, everything will return to normal.

Is care required after implant treatment?

Implant treatment is actually a treatment method that requires care and doctor control, just like our own teeth. After the implant is made, if the teeth are not brushed properly, if you smoke too much, if you do not go to the dentist at appropriate intervals, your own teeth can be damaged as well as the implants. But if we mean well-maintained, we mean brushing our teeth, using mouthwash, if we don’t smoke too much or don’t drink at all, if we go to the dentist every 6 months and get the necessary care done, we can use our implants for life.

Can every patient have an implant?

In patients with good general health and who have completed the growth-development age, the implant can be applied after evaluating the suitability of the bone structure with a panoramic x-ray. Implant can be applied if your disease is under control in chronic diseases such as diabetes, blood pressure or heart.

What to do if there is bone deficiency in the area where the implant will be applied?

Sometimes, for various reasons, the appropriate amount of bone may not be found in the area where the implant will be applied. In this case, after the evaluation by the maxillofacial surgeon, bone formation procedures (augmentation, bone graft application, bone powder application, augmentation with the box technique) can be performed in the relevant region, and the bone volume can be increased to the desired dimensions.

Can an implant be made after tooth extraction?

In most cases, if the bone structure in the area to be implanted is suitable, the implant can be easily implanted immediately after tooth extraction. In general, after this procedure, the implant is supported by the addition of bone powder in the area.

Does the brand of the implant matter? Will the implant be of good quality?

Today, there are many implant brands due to the increase in use. The fact that the implant company has been on the market for a very long time brings many experiences. Companies reflect these experiences on their implants and ensure that the implants serve in the best way.

In addition, it is an advantage for the implant that it can be found easily in many different purpose parts called spacers. It is important that the implant brand is quality certified products that the treating physician trusts, knows and has experience.

We can call the implant, which contains many good features, a quality implant. Therefore, when we make our choice, we prefer implants that have the most of these good features for our patients. When this happens, both the results are long-lasting and our patients can easily use their implants.

Is implant treatment expensive?

The price of the implant varies according to the brand, model, country of manufacture and the country where the treatment is applied. For example, an implant treatment in Switzerland is about 10-20 times more expensive when compared to the implant treatment in Turkey using the same brand of implant. When we compare Germany and Turkey, the same brand of implant treatment can be applied for one fifth of the price.

Will I be toothless during implant treatment?

implant in one dayToday, implant treatments are treatments that can be completed in a single session. In such cases, a temporary tooth does not need to be made. However, depending on the person’s jawbone, general health status and the procedures performed, there may be situations where a recovery period should be expected instead of completing the treatment in a single session.

This recovery period is the osseointegration period, also known as the fusion period of the jawbone and the implant. Temporary teeth can be made so that the person does not have an aesthetic problem during the recovery period.

Today, it is possible for the person to leave the clinic with fixed temporary teeth in the same session with the implant procedure. In some special cases, it may be necessary to wait for a short time for the wound to heal before the temporary teeth can be used.

How is Implant Treatment Performed in Cases where the Jaw Bone is Not Sufficient?

Among the frequently asked questions about implant treatment is how implant treatment is applied in jawbone insufficiency. If the patient’s jawbone is found to be insufficient as a result of physical implant examination and radiological imaging, there are different treatments that can be applied. The most practical method is to increase the density of hard tissue by using artificial bone powders. However, this method is not sufficient in cases where the jawbone is very thin. In such cases, it is possible to take a bone from a different part of the mouth and transfer it to that region. In addition, there are different methods used to increase the amount of bone such as box, sinus lifting and grafting.

Will my body accept the implant?

Although at first glance it may seem like the body has an allergic reaction to the implant material, this expression is popularly used for all cases where the implant treatment fails. Implants are produced entirely or in high proportion of titanium ore. Titanium is one of the most compatible materials for the human body. For this reason, it is a material that is successfully used not only in dentistry, but also in neurosurgery and orthopedic surgeries.

There are many factors that affect the success of implant treatments. First of all, correct indication and correct planning are very important. Well-planned treatments always last longer. In addition, the experience of the physician, the general health of the patient, the quality of the implant, technology support, quality equipment, good care and restorations on the implants are other factors that affect success.

When all these factors are taken into account, implant treatments are among the most successful and reliable treatments with a success rate of approximately 98%.

Is it a bridge? Is it an implant?

One of the methods that can be applied in the absence of a single tooth or several teeth next to each other is to make a classical bridge restoration, and the other is to apply implant treatment. During bridge restoration, the two teeth adjacent to the cavity area are thinned and made into abutments on which the restoration will sit. Meanwhile, the enamel layer of the tooth is completely eroded and the integrity of the tooth is impaired. In implant treatment, an implant is placed on the jawbone in the missing tooth area without touching the neighboring teeth, and a porcelain tooth is placed on this implant. With this method, the integrity of the adjacent teeth will be preserved, and since the jawbone in the missing tooth area is stimulated by chewing forces, possible resorption, ie bone resorption, in this area is also stopped. For these reasons, if the general health condition of the person is suitable, the ideal treatment for missing teeth is implant treatment.

Get rid of all your worries by talking to our dentists

In this article, we have touched on frequently asked questions about implant treatment and those who wonder about implant treatment. As Implant Center, we attach importance to offer you the most ideal solutions for your oral and dental health. In this direction, our doctors constantly inform our patients about implant treatment during and after the examination, and plan the treatment process in cooperation with our patients. By making an appointment with our dentists, you can ask all the questions in your mind and take the first step towards a healthy smile.

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If you ask what should be done for a smile, your doctor should first check your mouth and tooth structure. He will then offer you tailored treatments and answer your question. To get information about beautiful smile, you can call us, fill out our consutlation form or send a message directly via Whatsapp.