Beautiful Smile

What to Do for a Beautiful Smile

What should be done for a beautiful smile and what does this add to us. A beautiful smile provides benefits in many areas of life. It increases success both in our appearance and in our communication.

The Secret of a Beautiful Smile

A perfect smile can be charming and is the most important secret to a good relationship at any age. A bright, radiant smile lights up the environment, shows white teeth to everyone without fear, and you can smile to your heart’s content. “Have you ever wondered what you want for a beautiful picture? Why do we like this picture and other pictures? Of course, one of the most important things we like is smiles.

Areas formed by teeth (white aesthetics) and gums (pink aesthetics) such as lip height, tooth length, gingival height, tooth color are considered and accepted as a whole. Alignment of teeth, visibility of lips and teeth when we smile, and laughter. It is a single design that is compatible with each other.

Smile aesthetics and dental aesthetics are a concept that can be integrated with each other. Smile aesthetics is the process of removing the structural or subsequent defects of the teeth, the objects that stand out during the smile. The most striking smile is the front teeth. For this reason, the most contributing factor to a smile aesthetic is the front teeth.

How Smile Aesthetics Happens

The treatment of smile aesthetic disorders is definitely possible. Such elements can be the face, teeth and gums. The treatment method will be determined by considering the shape of the face, age and patient expectations. Aesthetics of smiles may deteriorate due to face shape, gender, age and various problems.

Let’s give some information for those who ask what to do for a beautiful smile. First of all, your doctor will carry out various studies at your request in order to reveal a personalized smile design before the treatment. Smile design will be made by evaluating personal characteristics such as a person’s teeth and the amount that can be seen while smiling, gingival symmetry, the inability to see the gums while smiling, the placement of the teeth and the space between them, the lower lip line visible tooth size, aspect ratio surface texture and tooth shape, tooth color, support and tooth contact with lips.

What Can Be Done to Achieve a Beautiful Smile?

Beautiful Smile TurkeyWhat to do for a beautiful smile? Orthodontic treatment can be applied at any age. It depends on the extent of the dental problem but is usually a long-term treatment. It is based on the installation of a special device for repositioning the tooth.

Veneers are a widely used method in dental treatment. It consists of very thin (0.3-0.5 mm) porcelain leaves attached only to the front of the tooth. Laminate veneers rarely require cutting teeth. You can choose the porcelain leaf from any color you want. This type of veneer is so thin that it is almost not likely to erode the enamel tissue and can provide an aesthetic appearance that cannot be distinguished from real teeth due to its metal-free nature.

A short operation may be required to perform this coating process. In order to find the right answer to the question of what to do for a beautiful smile, you can get much more information by consulting the comments, opinions and doctors.

Smile Aesthetics Can Be Performed in How Many Sessions

Smile aesthetic treatment varies according to the location of the disease. Well, first of all, we should point out to those who ask what to do for a beautiful smile that this treatment is a long-term treatment, which can usually take years. In addition, there are treatments that are completed in one session to eliminate simple aesthetic defects. It depends a bit on what a person wants. After detailed information about the surgical procedures given to people for a beautiful smile, the person has to decide for himself.

Is Dental Intervention Mandatory for a Beautiful Smile?

What to do for a beautiful smile was our first question. What comes next, should the teeth be intervened? This process is not always necessary. The aesthetics of a smile can be achieved in a few simple steps. Teeth whitening techniques can be one of them. The most common type of coating used in aesthetic treatment is the lamina (nail) coating, which is applied only to the visible surface of the teeth.

Created by an expert dentist, Lamina is beautifully indistinguishable from reality. Regardless of our health problems, it is a great advantage for you to go to qualified doctors and to apply to doctors who do not compromise on quality and hygiene.

Smile differences in Gender

There are differences between men and women in the application of smile designs. In women, the teeth should generally match the oval shape of the face. Women may have more rounded oval teeth, while men may have more square or rectangular teeth.

For women: The laugh line can curve upward. The corners of the teeth may be soft. Often a small gap is also seen between the corners of adjacent teeth. The two middle teeth are commonly known to be slightly longer than the adjacent teeth.

For men: The laugh line becomes smoother. The teeth line is clearer. Adjacent teeth join more linearly. There are similarities between the shape of the face and the shape of the teeth. In general, people with a long face can also have long teeth. If the person has a square or round face, the shape of their teeth may also be square or round.

Are There Smile Design Stages?

We will explain step by step the question of what to do for a beautiful smile. A treatment plan is created to clean the caries in the mouth and replace the old filling with an aesthetic filling. The aesthetic dentist starts by determining which geometry the facial features fit. The lines on a person’s face determine which tooth shape they will choose.

It is appreciated that an individual’s gums come out with a smile. Your doctor will determine what to do to ensure gingival symmetry. The position between the teeth, the orientation of the teeth and the gaps are evaluated. The relationship between teeth and gums, When entering the gums, it is checked whether the end point of the tooth (Zenith point) is in the correct position. Tooth contact, visible tooth dimensions, aspect ratios, tooth shape, features, and surface texture will be examined. The distance between the cutting edge, the lips and the sharp edge is evaluated. Before starting the tooth cutting process, temporary modeling work is performed on the tooth color material.

Get Free Quote

If you ask what should be done for a beautiful smile, your doctor should first check your mouth and tooth structure. He will then offer you tailored treatments and answer your question. To get information about beautiful smile, you can call us, fill out our consutlation form or send a message directly via Whatsapp.