Dental Veneer in Turkey, Antalya

Dental Veneer Types and Prices

A dental veneer is a thin layer of porcelain or composite resin applied to the front surface of the tooth by dentists. Dental veneers can be used to correct the shape, size, color or alignment of teeth, to cover broken, cracked or decayed sections of teeth, or to improve the appearance of teeth.

Dental veneer application is generally a two-stage process. In the first stage, the dentist measures the size and shape of the tooth by removing a portion of the tooth to prepare the tooth. Then the dentist also takes a color sample, which helps the patient choose the shade they want. In the second stage, crown tooth impressions are prepared in the laboratory and placed appropriately on the tooth by the dentist.

While veneered teeth are generally used by dentists for aesthetic purposes, they can also be used to increase the durability of the teeth.

However, installing crown teeth interferes with the natural structure of the tooth and is an irreversible process, so before applying crown teeth, the dentist must talk to the patient in detail and inform the patient about his expectations and risks.

What are the Types of Dental Veneers?

Veneered teeth are usually made of porcelain or composite resin materials. Porcelain veneered teeth provide a color closer to the natural tooth color and are more durable. Composite resin coated teeth are more affordable and their application is faster. Another type of veneered teeth is zirconium coated teeth. Zirconium dental coating is a preferred material due to its durability and natural appearance.

Veneered teeth are generally made of porcelain or composite materials. Both materials have advantages and disadvantages, and the dentist and the patient must decide together which material to use.

Porcelain Veneer : Porcelain veneer teeth are the most commonly used type of veneer teeth. Porcelain is one of the materials most similar to natural teeth and offers a color option close to the natural color of the teeth.

The advantages of porcelain veneered teeth are:

Aesthetic appearance: Porcelain veneered teeth are very successful in terms of aesthetic appearance because they look like natural teeth.

Durability: Porcelain coated teeth are long-lasting and durable.

Easy to Clean: Porcelain veneered teeth can be cleaned by regular brushing and flossing, just like natural teeth.

Color options: Porcelain veneer teeth offer many color options and you can choose a color close to the natural color of the teeth.

Composite Veneer : Composite veneer teeth are prepared in the dentist’s office and used to shape the natural tooth.

Metal Supported Dental Veneers: It is a general name given to dental veneers in which the tooth surface is processed with metal and supported by ceramic coatings.

Deciding what material veneered teeth are made of depends on many factors such as the patient’s tooth structure, aesthetic preferences and budget. After assessing the patient’s condition, the dentist can make a recommendation on which material should be used.

Dental Veneer Porcleain
Before and after of Close up smile of smile makeover with dental veneer treatment.

What are the advantages of veneered teeth?

Veneered teeth provide many advantages. Here are the most important advantages of crown teeth:

Aesthetic Appearance: Dental veneers can be used to correct the color, size, shape and alignment of teeth. In this way, aesthetic problems in the teeth are eliminated and a more beautiful appearance is achieved. Porcelain veneered teeth are very similar to natural teeth and provide very successful results in terms of aesthetic appearance.

Durability: Veneered teeth are long-lasting and durable. As long as proper care is taken, they can last up to 10 years. Porcelain veneer teeth are particularly durable and designed to cope with the stress of chewing.

Easy to Clean: Veneer teeth can be cleaned by regular brushing and flossing, just like natural teeth. Additionally, veneered teeth are more resistant to tooth decay and staining.

Repair of Damage to Teeth: Veneered teeth can be used to correct fractures, cracks, stains and deformations on tooth surfaces. Thus, the teeth can be restored to their former healthy appearance.

Minimally Invasive: Dental veneer application is considered a minimally invasive method by dentists. Therefore, it can be used to correct the aesthetic appearance of teeth without damaging the natural structure of the tooth.

Fast and Effective: Veneered teeth can be used to solve aesthetic problems in teeth quickly and effectively. After taking the measurements of the teeth, the dentist prepares the crown teeth in the laboratory and performs the application. In this way, the aesthetic appearance of the teeth can be improved in a single session.

More Self-Confidence: Veneered teeth can increase people’s self-confidence. Because it improves the aesthetic appearance of the teeth and provides a more beautiful smile. A more beautiful smile creates a greater sense of self-confidence and self-confidence.

Porcelain Veneer in Turkey
Before and after smile makeover with dental veneer treatment in Turkey

How to Apply Dental Veneers

Dental veneer application is generally a two-stage process. In the first stage, the dentist removes a thin layer on the tooth and gives it a suitable shape. Then, measurements of the tooth are taken and the veneered tooth is prepared in the laboratory.

In the second stage, the crown is placed on the tooth and bonded. The dentist makes adjustments as necessary to match the veneer to the color and shape of the tooth.

Veneer Teeth Prices

Dental veneer prices vary depending on many factors. These factors include the type of material used, the dentist’s experience and expertise, the location of the tooth, and the region where the patient is located.

Veneered teeth are usually made of porcelain or composite material. Porcelain veneered teeth are more durable and long-lasting, but are more expensive. Composite veneer teeth are more affordable, but have a shorter lifespan.

On average, the price of veneer teeth can vary between 150 EUR – 200 EUR for porcelain veneer teeth and 120-150 EUR for composite veneer teeth. However, the fees charged by dentists may vary depending on the area to be treated, the application method and the materials to be used.

For this reason, it is recommended to discuss the price in detail with the dentist before dental veneer application.

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If you want to get detailed information about our dental treatments, you can contact us by filling out our consultation form or you can get information directly from our whatsapp line: +905443480787. Our doctors will plan the most appropriate treatment for you and provide detailed information.